Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Swim Clip for Smooth Swimming

Greetings MARStri Friends,
With just over 100 days til the Lifetime Fitness Triathlon, many of you have already started your pool instruction. The best way to get better and become more comfortable in the water is to get in the pool at least a couple times a week. Both Lexi and Angie are great swim instructors, and can share a wealth of knowledge with you. As you work with them be sure to practice the drills that you work on with them, as these will help reinforce the motor skills for good technique and body position in the water.

I found a clip that illustrates good technique, as used in the Total Immersion method of technique training. Check out this clip, and focus in on the pull, the kick, and the body position and rotation. All of these are executed very well, and when integrated into your own stroke-they will make you more efficient, and faster!


Keep balanced, and train-on!
-Coach K-fer